Salam all.
and Hi.
I am not a guru thing that I am not here to teach you you the exact what to do to become a Software Engineer or what to prepare before you further your studies in Software Engineering,
yet I am here to suggest you few ways/tips to prepare before you take this course since someone has asked me :
"Kalau lepas spm macam mana nak prepare dari awal? What should I do?"
Anonymous on Software Engineering Course Review
I think this is such a popular question.
and to those who sent me emails. I want to thank you for asking.
I am proud of you because yes you just know what you want in your life. What you want to be. etc.
Frankly, when I was at your age I did not know what I want to be. I followed the flow and tadaaa here I am.

So today, I want to answer that question:
Okay, kalau lepas Spm. What I can suggest you is, ambil Diploma or Matriculation Programme.
If you choose to be in Matriculation Programme:
You need to take the 2nd/3rd Module because Foundation of Computer Science is one of the subjects.
Yes Foundation, so tak banyak yang you akan belajar but seriously it is going to be so helpful when you further your studies in degree.
It is more like an introduction to each topic. Introduction to Database, Programming and what not.
Part yang paling I suka is bukan belajar 100% theories tapi jugak kita practice. So you will gain so so many skills, knowledge etc.
Kalau ikut experience I,
I banyak ponteng class masa dekat Matrik. Haha (jangan contohi)
So 70+% memang I belajar sendiri. The algorithm, Start dari how to draw a pseudocode etc memang I belajar all by myself. and class tutor memang helpful sangat. I tak boleh ponteng class tutor sebab cikgu tutor I ni akan cari sampai bilik siapa tak datang class. so what do you expect? memang tak lah nak skip class dia.
The very first time I kena practice coding was suck! I memang blur. But in few mins I started my first coding and tadaaaa Alhamdulillah I love coding till now.
Memang since I sekolah I suka problem solving questions that is why I love Math all my life!
End all the flashbacks here. Enough!
Diploma in Computer Science is another good choice:
I am not sure apa yang you akan belajar but I think it is a good choice.
Maybe Diploma in Programming pun okay. I don't know much about Diploma. I am so sorry.
What If you choose Pre-University?
I tak tahu kalau ada subject Computer Science etc in Pre-Uni.
I have many friends from Pre-Uni yang tak ada apa apa basic in IT/Computer etc. Yes yes yes, they have to struggle more and more. It's may be a little bit stressful. Yalah, bila orang lain dah catch up and you still terkapai-kapai (I am so sorry kalau term I tak guna tak betul)
But yes you know what I mean? I hope so.
I can feel them. I tolong mana yang I mampu. Cuma belum bukak kelas tuition berbayar je. Hahaha. Joke! Don't be too serious guys.
So you can choose any ways you want. Strive for it and be the best on everything you do!
Anyways, I belajar HTML language before and after Spm. Well because I am a blogger and I did my site all by my own dari header sampai footer.
Dulu blog I penuh dengan design and pink with all the cute stuff (siapa sempat kenal I masa tu tahu lah hahaha)
Well well I grew up and yaaaa this is how my blog looks like. It also grew up.
To that Anonymous, I think you dah boleh search and belajar sebanyak sedikit about programming. Jangan banyak sangat pun takpa. Just kind of introduce yourself to computer and technology world! Wehuuuu.
Any question, you can ask me or send me an email.
Or you nak tengok contoh assignment? *Voldemort laughs
Oh yaaa. Last,
This course is not suitable for someone who want learning to be easy. Em, well just my two cents.
Till then,
Sama la kita cuma niat nk ceburi bidang it x sampai la ke bidang lain pula.. Hehe..
ReplyDeleteGuna Blogger sbg tmpt praktis pun ok edit kod2 ni.. Zaman matrik dulu siap buat satu program keyin database sendiri (bukan tugasan rasmi Un sje2 je buat) guna c++ mcm contoh sila tulis nama anda.. Pastu kita masuk nama.. Alahai lama pula xbermain dgn koding ni..
Jejalan sini..
Hmm..diploma dulu slalu gak main coding. Ingat nk lari bidang. Rupanya degree still main dgn coding c.c ++ html php java database dlln.
ReplyDeletewaahh bestnya Ee amik software engineering, mesti tau banyak pasal coding ni... ceri tak tau sangat pasal coding ...walaupun sampai berpinar mata hadap coding blogger ceri tetap di level beginner hehehe...good luck Ee in your course :)❤
ReplyDeleteingat lagi masa dulu amik Mech Eng pun kena belajar programming... Fortran, C++, Matlab... mmg tak minat langsung... last2 final year project kena buat program jugak... adooooii, terpaksalah upah joki... hehe
ReplyDeletehahahahaha sama, we always have that age yang clueless and then just decide to go with the flow XD but end up loving what we're doing right now kah kah
ReplyDeleteAntara diploma dgn pre-u, dip much much better sebenarnya. Sebab kalau buat kerja(assignment/project) kita dpt tgk student dip yg menonjol compare student pre-u(masih terkapai-kapai + perlu work hard, ini tuju diri sendiri)..tapi kalau masa pre-u ada ambik basic subject in IT mostly akan jadi lebih kurang student dip ja. mampu catch up apa yg lect ada ja yg takda basic tp hebat ja dalam coding..self learning maybe..tapi..tapi..haha bnyknya tapi. Ini semua bergantung pada diri individu sebenarnya minat ke tidak..
ReplyDeletesis, tunjuk lerr project SE sikit =)
Bestnyaaa .. teringgin sangat nak main dgn coding coding niih . Tp tak berbakat. Hohoho ..
ReplyDeletemcm best je course nie :D .. Sayangnya dah belajar course lain haha, anyway good luck for your future dear :)
ReplyDeletei don't know you are from matriculation before this sis :D
ReplyDeletewahh terbaik
ReplyDeletekita sama course! time study dulu pun amik course ni. memang takda life. tidur tak tentu semua, byk kena buat system coding suma. kerja programmer pun camtu. memang takda life dgn kena kejar deadline nya. last2 tukar bidang. btw, u belajar language apa je ni?
ReplyDeleteBV dip in programming.
ReplyDeletebest je main coding sebab mencabar jgk kalau nk develop satu system. XD
Akak yang sekarang course Networking pun ada keinginan nak sambung deg.Software Engineering :D By the way, rindu Ee !
ReplyDeletemacam best je main coding ni,kalau yang jenis slow mcm sy ni mmg teruk ah nak catch up haha
ReplyDeleteBdak diploma normally dorang punya kmahiran in coding lg dahsyat. Based on pmrhatianlaa. Sebab dorang blajar lg lama n banyak practice codingkan. Kita dak2 matrik pulak banyak lg blajar theory and coding sikit2 n basic je..
ReplyDeletebagus entri ni... boleh jadi rujukan kat adik2 yg kadang2 buntu tatau hala tuju lps SPM
ReplyDeletewaa..pening lol bljr coding bagai =.='..hebat2