Salam all and Hi.
What's up?
em. Nothing much. Just the usual.
I'm on my semester break still. I literally got nothing to do. Plus, I don't even know what to do, I have no clue.
Bored? Yah so sad. I keep watching the series Harry Potter and HIMYM over and over again.
Well Harry Potter is my favorite for watching.
I'm not working at my dad's office, I decided. Because its kinda boring, I swear!
and Piano Tiles is currently my favorite apps. First time I tengok my lil cousin played the game, I was like "What the stupid game?", and I decided to give a try then hambikkkau, addicted! Its a drug, damn it!
em I just checked my exam results last night. yah I'm happy because I still get the first class. but tak banyak bertambah. Its better than last semester, but just a bit. I want to get 4.0, I can't tapi hampir hampir. Alhamdulillah. Course I'm thankful.
I want to do better on next semester, InshaAllah. Pray for me!

my simple makeup look, I just touch up sikit sikit je
I went to Kedah last Thursday. yah Kedah is nice cuma panas sikit.
I thought Perak ni dah panas kaw kaw, suprisingly Kedah lagi panas baqhang! Hahaha.

Another me. Feelin' so hot yet I know Imma cool kid, mannn
Anyways, I have to get back to UPSI on 3rd or 4th September.
I still tak plan apa apa for next semester I just want to do the best.
and guess what? I will join Taekwondo. Just don't underestimate me okay.
Actually, I takut jugak lah because I admit I'm weak on my physical part yet I am strong at the heart part. yknow what I mean?
But I hope I will improve my physical weakness.
Wish me luck!
Till then,
bye y'all.
good luck nurul. :D
ReplyDeletehii Ee =) pertama sekali ceri nak ucapkan tahniah kerana dapat first class, good job keep it up dear =) ceri pun minat jugak citer Harry Potter =) memang sejak dulu lagi suka kat character Professor Snape ..hehehe btw cantiknya Ee =)❤
ReplyDeletegood luck utk next semester, and for taekwondo, hehehe. Nasib sy tak addicted dgn piano tile, tapi dh addicted dgn Mmm Fingers, adeh xD
ReplyDeletewahh taekwando! wanted to join too but takpelah. huhu
ReplyDeleteclear gila glasses you joyah, sampai nampak tangan yg tengah pegang phone tu hahaha!
ReplyDeletealah lambat lagi september, have fun dulu utk semester break :p btw gudluck masuk taekwando!
lah tgh cuti rupanya..sama la kitaaa
ReplyDeleteoooo upsi ke? cikgu la ni eh? hehe..
ReplyDeletelaw boring cer g belajar memask ke buat2 kuih ke kan ilang sikit boring tu duk umah..
Waaa~ keep up the good study dear ... Pakai Ee makeup , nadia pun tak pandai makeup ... Hihihi ... Oh , and I love harry potter too~ =)
ReplyDeletejoin martial arts ni best au XD suprisingly hahahahahahaha
ReplyDeletebv pun pernah terjebak dengan piano tiles XD
ReplyDeleteu did a great job ee n u so pretty :)
all the best in ur study :3
cantik ngatt chuolls..
ReplyDeleteplease share me your study tips perhaps?
hihi some suggestions you can do to kill your time, maybe you can read a thriller novel like bunuh bunuh, joging, hiking..
wowww... 1st class... congrats...
ReplyDeletewuu masih lama lagi cuti tu. nanti kalau dah join taekwondo jangan lupa update! hahaha
ReplyDeleteGood luck! Show us some taekwondo moves hehe
ReplyDelete@Ahmad Hasif Hahaha. Tak ambik pendidikan. So I cant be a teacher.
ReplyDeleteGoodluck youuuu
wahhh seronoknya nak join taekwondo. dah lama nak join tp tak pernah join T_T
ReplyDeleteWah congrats for your exam result sis! Keep it up hehe. I used to be addicted to Piano Tiles too but now not really. Btw, good luck!
ReplyDeleteCongrates for the excellent result. Bravo! And good luck for the next semester in ur exam and tae kwan do too! ;)
ReplyDeleteTahniah ...
ReplyDeleteSem akan datang boleh usaha lagi
Alhamdulillah.. In sya Allah next dapat as target.
ReplyDeleteWalaupun simple makeup, still look natural and beautiful. :D
Congratulations! for the good result.
ReplyDeleteGood luck for the next sem ya..
Congrats for your result dear!! xpayah nak plan sgt for nxt sem just follow the flow haha but after this boleh la share pengalaman belajar taekwondo pula :D ..
ReplyDeletesimple make up pun tetap cantek tau!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your result! Keep it up tau 💪👍
ReplyDeleteSiqah pun main juga Piano Tiles. Mula2 tengok orang main macam annoying je. Haha. Pastu gatal nak download, bila dah mula main, jadi addicted lah pulak.. Hehe..
woo join taekwondo tu..
ReplyDeleteterbaik untuk self defense
guck luck in study
woah ! daebakk! aku nk hmpir 3 pun ssh..haha..good luck !
ReplyDeleteLA.. pelajar UPSI ke.. Akak keje kat Politeknik..
ReplyDeleteDekat je kita..
All the best for next semester..
Hi Ee... =D