Salam all Muslims.
and Hi to non-Muslims.
Few days back, when I was performing Zohor.
My lil 4 year old niece came close to me and imitates me.
She Rukuk when I Rukuk. She sujood when I sujood. and so on.
The funny part, when sujood in the last Rakaat was a bit longer then she decided untuk bangun and go somewhere else I don't know till I finish untuk tahiyat akhir, he came back and do tahiyat akhir.
She called me whilst I am praying. etc. Lol.
And she was "Zera dah solat dah".
Guess what? dia just pakai seluar without baju.
Hahaha. I was struggling to gain khusyuk in the prayer!
Well usually orang kita suka paksa/practice anak untuk berpuasa padahal baru 4 to 6 year old.
Tapi bila pasal solat. Tak tekankan pula. Ajarlah solat dulu.
Tak betul jugak ajar berpuasa tapi tak ajar/practice anak untuk solat.
Yes some might says "Tak salah ajar puasa dalam umur macam tu. kena biasakan blabla"
But they are kids. They love to play all day! so they need more energy to learn and explore new activities, skills etc. to build their imagination and confidence.
I have no kids/baby but I can feel them.

Obviously I am her favorite person so she might thinks I am the coolest ever person to be friend with. Well I can be a role model or good example.And I more like her best friend.
Anyways, I think she likes me because I can be a kid. Anytime. Anywhere. I love spending time with her, I just love kids!
I always read her a story, fed her. Yes she is not my biological child but she still my baby.
I am seriously proud of her and her parents.

when I was 19. So? lain sikit dengan I yang sekarang kut Hahaha Idk.
I want her to know I'm only a phone call a way. I want to be an awesome aunt. Hehe.
There are tons stories of her and I will blog more about her later. InshaAllah.
your niece is so cute :D masa kecik-kecik dulu saya belajar puasa sampai tengahhari je.Balik sekolah terus minum air lol my mom ajar macam tu xD Naif betul masetu haha.
ReplyDeletecomeeeeeeeel je dia XD
ReplyDeleteSelamat hari raya. Lama tak singgah sini. Lama juga tak update blog. Jom baca blog saya...
ReplyDeleteZH Blogger
ololoo comel..dia pun nak ikut apa kt buat..hihih
ReplyDeletecute mcm sepupu dia jugak. btw, I see you've changed your header. It's cool
ReplyDeleteHi ee. Lama dah tak singgah sini. Baguslah niece ee dah start tiru sikit-sikit ^_^
ReplyDeleteboth of you are sooo cute! =)
ReplyDeleteSo cute both of you :D
ReplyDeleteboleh nk bg kalau dyrg x larat bagi la berbuka kan..kesian plak budak tu nnti
ReplyDeletecutenyaaa! selalu jugak bila solat kat surau shopping mall ke apa, nampak anak tgh tiru ibu dia solat. bagus sangat bila didik anak2 macam ni :D
ReplyDeletesemoga membesar jadi anak yg solehah zera!
Totally agreed with u. Galakkan anak2 berpuasa, tp tgk kemampuan dorang jgklah kan.
ReplyDeleteMy niece bila tgk kita main game,
"Wow, hebatlaaa achik. Terrorlah!"
Kagum sungguh dgn achik dia yg suka buat bnda krg brfaedah ni. Hahahah
she is soo cute! (Ee, u r cute too). Btw, indeed its true. patutnya solat tu kena dahulukan kat anak2 so that dorang dah terbiasa. and biar anak2 ikut kita solat sekali. hehe
ReplyDeletecomellll macam aunt dia.. <3
ReplyDeleteComelnya kamu berdua 😍
ReplyDeleteboth comelsss ... kemana tumpahnya kuah klu tak ke dopp??
oo betul juga tu.. kena la ajar dua2 tu seiring... puasa tu sebulan je lam setahun.. solat tu ada 366 hari lam setahun..
ReplyDeleteBlogwalking sini jom baca article ;
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comelnya dia