Salam and Hi all.
To be honest I dont even know how to start but I will try.

So since friends and I just finished our degree (Alhamdulillah) and most of us are desperately seeking for a secure job, apply vacancies here and there, been going for interviews. One of my friends say she is feeling so down. I feel so sorry. I don't know how to help (I would if I could) but pray for her and give her some positive vibes.
And looking at them hunting a job makes me realized that it is really hard. All the struggles are actually true. Yes yes, there are job vacancies but:
1. They require you to speak Mandarin (if I had known I would have learned Mandarin)
2. They require you to have at least 2 years of working experience. Like we are just graduated with just 6 months internship experience. Is it consider as working experience? I am not sure.
3. Yes. There are tons of jobs fresh graduate can work but will not be paid for their qualification. (Some people say, it is okay as long as you got a job - "DONT BE SO PICKY!". Okay its your opinion so there is no right or wrong but lets be realistic, it is not just about getting a job, it is also about being able to survive. We are living in a country which the cost of living is mad expensive!)
4. Scam job vacancies. So please do background check of that company/job.
(Feel free to add some more)
To everyone who is jobless, had spend all night working on job applications and feeling down because you got rejected. Do not give up! You are stronger that you know and you will get the job soon. Just keep working at it. I wish you all the best.
Put trust in Him.
P.s. When you are in a hardship you will find out who is being there and who is not. You will learn a lesson.
The "Speak Mandarin" tho. Agreed sangat, most of the time kerja nak yang pandai Mandarin :') One of my cousin, dia memang sekolah SJKC, turn out senang sangat dapat kerja. Eventhough she's freshgrad tapi gaji dia sama dengan yang dah kerja lama macam naik 1 level from freshgrad standard gitu. Sebab apa? Coz advantage pandai bahasa Mandarin :)
ReplyDeleteAin dah rsa dah. Hbis study hritu i work as cashier dkt one of cawangan mr diy. and i resign after 1 years working there. this is not about picky. But let me tell you something. We work and study very hard during our study (degree and so on) so we have higher expectation. Mcm ohh aku ada degree so lpas hbis study mesti aku dpt kerja bagus2 gaji tinggi. but the reality is so sad kawan2. And now im working as admin at one of telco company, alhamdulillah i just realized that if you are happy with that, just do it. if you are not happy it is okay to give and try. Dont be picky is true but jgn terlalu tak memilih. you deserve better. and yes of course Allah is the best Planner. We should trust HIM. and adik2 if you read this. please study mandarin, bcs a lot of company besar nowadays they put Mandarin as their "priority" . All the best in future Ee. May Allah ease you everything okiii. Love, Ain
ReplyDeleteHaha! Kebanyakkannya nak yang boleh speak Mandarin. Dah pernah merasa semua benda ni. Memang at first feel so down. Tapi tula kena usaha lebih. And they find experienced candidates... but how about the fresh grad kan? at least provide la training.. macam mana nak ada experience kalau tak diberi peluang betul? Janji kita boleh belajar benda baru dan bagi yang fast learner memang best la. Yg penting jangan putus asa :) Doa selalu hehe
ReplyDeleteHello , i pernah ada kat tempat uolls past 2 years . Job hunting everywhere . First , dapat kerja dekat seremban , company XXXXX . Dalam iklan vacancy tulis gaji RM1600 , ada provide hostel , training semua la . Indeed , masa interview senang dan sekejap sangat . Rupanya company marketing yang tiada basic salary . u will get commission after u get 1 student registed below you ! sebulan je dekat situ , then terus quit . Second job , kerja dekat kuantan company besi buruk . All my officemate is chinese inc boss and manager . i am the only one malay . So tau la kan awkward macam mana dalam tu , tapi saya tak kisah sbb taip tu terdesak nak kerja . So apa yang dapat , kerja je . Kerja tak sampai sebulan without proper training , dorg bagi dismissal letter and bagi alasan macam-macam . sebenarnya diorang rasict ! and here the third jod , alhamdulillah kekal sampai sekarang . Company cina jugak tapi okey laaa , semua baik-baik and ada 3 4 orang malay . Tapi , this year ada sorang officemate chinese baru masuk kerja kat sini . Do the same job , same position but her salary is highest then we oulls yang dah kerja lame kat sini . This is not literally about her experience , it just "diorang memang akan selalu utamakan orang-orang dioarang dulu" . Bak kata officemate saya , "dia akan kayakan orang-orang dia dulu" . Yeahhh indeed , nowdays siapa yang boleh speak mandarin will confirm get highest salary !
ReplyDeleteBtw , good luck on your job hunting . Do study about company background , permanent position or not , ada basic salary or tak . Sekarang tak boleh nak bergantung pada commission semata-mata , sebab duit nak guna tak kira waktu . Start from small company pun takpe , get the "experience" yang semua company letak sebagai requirement tu . Lol .Then u can job hopping as a career move .
Thank you but Im already working as a Research Assistant and freelance as a infographic designer whilst attempting to do my master degree. Alhamdulillah.
DeleteBut yknow I feel so sorry for my friends, they are still looking for a secure job. Thank you for the prayers and wishes <3
I've read in Twitter about graduates not being able to secure jobs just because they can't speak in Mandarin. I can't really say whether it really matters for the positions (maybe it does?) or its just racism (who knows). About having 2 years of working experience, hth can fresh graduates have 2 years of working experience? I have friends who've graduated for two years but still struggling to find jobs. And yes, all the points that you've stated are so relatable. But luckily they have other skills and know how to find side incomes.
ReplyDeleteI agree that it's not just about getting a job, we're trying to survive. Imagine living in big cities with insufficient wages? Even worse if added with the cost to support family and kids. My friends who got married in collage are trying their best to support their newly built family. Hopefully all of us graduates will get the job we deserve. Wishing all the best for you and your friends too ee. Aamiin :)
hm faham sangat perasaan korang even saya belum habis belajar lagi. next year giliran saya pulak nak merasa job hunting ni, takut sangat. bila tengok pengalaman adik beradik sendiri yg struggle cari kerja ni saya kesian sangat tengok diorang. kakak saya ada master tapi kerja macam kuli dan gaji dibayar rendah. ada kawan saya dah ada degree tapi hampir 2 tahun kerja retail. bukannya graduan memilih, tapi kami nak juga kerja yg berkaitan dengan bidang yg kita belajar masa kat U kan. kita study pun banyak pakai duit, so ingatnya lepas kerja bolehla nak bayar semua hutang2 belajar tu tapi kalau dah gaji pun camtu je dapatnya susahla juga :( n then senang2 je cakap graduan sekarang ni pemalaslah, memilih la haih. and that 2 years working experience tu is nonsense.
ReplyDeletesemoga Allah permudahkan urusan kita semua
I got offer jobs after graduated but had to reject because of my illness T-T
ReplyDeleteToday I choose blogger as fulltime job.. Its hard,, but I have to do it..
I hpoe you get a job soon!
ReplyDeleteThank you sweetheart but for now I am not looking for one, I will cont master inshaAllah :')