Salam and Hi!
This is my first post after a very longggggggg time.
I was busy with my studies, not that busy but you know I don't have much time to blog and I was so lazy to post anything yknowwww what I mean.
The thing that I still got comments on this blog is insane. Like every time I logged into this blog and see some people leave comments, I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I miss my first year as a blogger, it was dope! I was so addicted in blogging, I was crazy doing blogwalking. The feelings is like you want to post everyday, blog everything. I loved the whole blogging thing, I loved the community we had.
When I first started blogging, I did not think likeeee anybody would be interested in my posting, leave some comments and follow this blog. I did not expect that. I was so happy and grateful when I reached my first thousand followers. Y'all are amazing.
I still love and always wanted to blog even I chose to be on hiatus for a long time, I still have passion in blogging.
Now I want to make everything back on track, I want to post things here - rant, random thoughts, life things and whatnot. I really really want to run this blog again. So excited, I really am.
Lets do it!
P.s. If you have any question. You can just drop your comment down below or drop a message on Sarahah
Till then.
yes please keep blogging dear
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, sis.. patutlah lama awak menghilang, akak ingat dah lost contact dah.. hihihi anyway, akak doakan agar awak terus sukses dalam kehidupan awak.. Fighting..fighting..
ReplyDeleteWelcome back.
ReplyDeleteBlog is kind of diary too
welcome back ..hope lepas nie banyak entry dari you ,
ReplyDeletelama jugak tak singgah sini hehe
ReplyDeleteselamat kembali :)
ReplyDeleteJemput singgah entry terkini & jgn lupa tinggalkan jejak k ^_^
1. Hadiah dari Shikin Razali aka shikinrazalidotcom
2. Bung Bratak Heritage Centre
3. Pengasuh Adam Tidak Salah?
4. Tanggungjawab Seorang Suami & Ayah Muslim
Harap sudi join segmen ejulz kalau belum join :)
1. SEGMEN Tambah Duit Dengan Kerja PARTIME Dari EJULZ
macam mana nak buang rasa malas update yee huhu
ReplyDeleteselamat kembali menulis blog sis
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, dear =)
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, ee :)