Salam and Hi everybody!
I hope you are doing well because I am.
If you are not, yeah it is okay to not be okay - hope you'll get better soon.
I still remember.
There was a point in my life when I was about to graduate from matriculation and I did not know what I want to study. What is my passion? The things that I know at that moment is I love singing and music. I started joining music and band just for fun.
People say passions can become careers - nahhhh my parents don't allow me to go into music for a career. Then they stay as hobbies and that is okay. I'd never want that to be my job either.
Yeah people also say that we have to follow our dreams (no matter how much it may hurt). So that when you grow up your passion is your job. Well I'd heard that advice a lot when I was a kid.
A lot of people feel teenagers should have their lives planned out at the age 18 or even 16. But I just wondered how people at 19 know what they want the rest of their lives to look like. All I know is I want to make amount of money. That's it.
My goal at that time is I want to go to university and get a degree. I've wanted to do things that I am good at, and it's gonna be my job - I must study things that I am good at. Then people said, end up you'll be in a completely unrelated job - it will not be relevant with your degree. You might be enjoyed with your job but it is not your passion. Yeah I heard it a lot!

But I don't care. I am not built for that kinda thinking. I must pursue in things that I am gonna be fabulous at. Yeas I was struggling with what career path I want to take. It's not that I lack ambition. I just don't know, I haven't figure out exactly what I want.
I once told my friend, to be honest I don't know what I want to study. I kept dua and I put trust in Allah, to put me in a place and be in a programme that I will be good at them, no matter if I don't like them at that moment, I promise I will fall for it and I am not afraid to take the risks.
And here I am, end up studying thing I love. I'll start my third year in September. I've never thought that I am going to love what I am doing. Alhamdulillah.
People, remind yourself that nothing can stop you from achieving your goals and also influence others to continue doing things they love about for the rest of their lives.
Go for your goals, achieve your personal success!
Till then, keep well.